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Hot Tank Cleaning

    After years of oil running through a block, deposits are left behind. These deposits can be very hard to remove. If they are not completely removed the deposits can come loose after the block is placed back in service. The particles in the galleys are not filtered, so they travel directly to the bearings.

    The particles, that flake off, will scar the bearings and crankshaft, sometimes having catastrophic results.

    Here at WRE we use a superheated caustic detergent that is agitated throughout the block. This can take as long as forty-eight hours depending on the severity of the block. After final machining the block goes into a spray wash machine. Half way through the spray wash cycle the galleys are scrubbed with stainless steel wire brushes to make sure that no deposits are left behind.

    We use this same cleaning process on crankshafts and cast iron cylinder heads.

    This process of cleaning can be used on any ferrous materials, such as steel, stainless steel, cast iron. Aluminum and magnesium can not be cleaned in our hot tank. For these we use an Ultra Sonic cleaning machine.


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