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·       Degree In Camshaft

·       Drill Camshaft for Rear Drive Spud

·       Measure Camshaft

·       Polish Lobes and Journals

·       Straighten Camshaft

Degree In Camshaft

    When building your performance engine we will degree in your camshaft and record this information. The next time you have the engine apart we can look back at our records and know where it was degreed it in at. From there we can retard or advance the cam to give you more top end or bottom end. At this time we can also check your valve to piston clearance to make sure it is within safe operating clearances.

Drill Camshaft for Rear Drive Spud

    For all you sprint car racers out there, we drill cams for rear drive spuds. Same day service.

Measure Camshaft

    If you have a cam and your not quite sure what it is, we have a Cam Pro Plus that will not only tell you lift and duration at various lifts but it will also tell you things about your cam that you never knew existed, like acceleration and jerk. This information can tell you how hard a cam is going to be on your valve train.

Polish Lobes and Journals

 Straighten Camshaft

    If your camshaft has been through a blowup, sometimes it gets bent or nicked. Quite often we can save these camshafts. We can straighten your cam, repair some minor nicks and gouges and then polish the lobes and journals. We can remove those dowel pins that get sheared off flush with the end of the cam and put in a new one for you.


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